Visit and stay in this beautiful clifftop village on day 3
Arrive in Noci, on the southern Murge hills, on day 5
Said to be one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, you'll visit this stunning place on day 2
Visit the trulli capital, a UNESCO world heritage site on day 2

Biking in Italy Tours - Apulia

7 days
Site savings
$2,020 USD

A superbly unique tour in this enchanting region of southern Italy. Join this road bike tour in Puglia, one of the richest places in the world for the variety of its landscapes, hilly villages, food and tradition. Pedal along kilometers of coastline, soaking up the magnificent setting for old olive groves, ravines, Trulli, Saracen towers and historic villages.

  • Category
    Cultural & Historical
  • Type
    Fully Guided
  • Duration
    7 days
  • Culture Level
  • Skill Level
    2 - Novice
  • Activity Level
    3 - Active
  • Elevation
    1 - Easy
  • Terrain
  • Distance
    232.8 miles
  • Avg. Daily Distance
    46.6 miles
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