The best learning experience goes beyond the classroom
No one gets left behind on this adventure
See the local sights that are unique to Thailand
Elephants are intelligent, gentle, and friendly. Share your fruit with one whn you visit the sanctuary

Chiang Mai Family Explorer

5 days
Site savings
$1,552 USD

Gear up for the family adventure of a lifetime as you grab a bike and explore Chiang Mai’s glorious culture, cuisine, and traditions. Enjoy a range of off-the-bike activities too: meet elephants, plant rice, and soak in wonderful hot springs. There is something for every member of the family on this action-packed trip. It's educational, active, and full of highlights.

  • Category
    For Families
  • Type
    Fully Guided
  • Duration
    5 days
  • Culture Level
  • Skill Level
    2 - Novice
  • Activity Level
    1 - Easy
  • Elevation
    1 - Easy
  • Terrain
  • Distance
    67.1 miles
  • Avg. Daily Distance
    16.8 miles
operated by
SpiceRoads Cycling
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Quick Stats

  • Duration
    5 days
  • Main Destination
    Chiang Mai and Around
  • Distance
    67.1 miles
  • Avg. Daily Distance
    16.8 miles
  • Elevation
    1 - Easy
  • Terrain

Itinerary Details

  1. Day 1A flying start as Chiang Mai offers up all its captivating beauty

    On this tour, you and your family are collected early and transferred outside downtown. Out of the van and reveling in the sunshine, it’s time to hop on the bikes. You'll zip through small villages, past fruit orchards and never-ending paddy fields, and a sensational mountain backdrop.

    The target for today’s ride is Mae Ngud Reservoir, along the way you will pedal through the impressive surroundings of Sri Lanna, Thailand’s sixth largest national park. Upon reaching the reservoir you'll board a boat to a floating restaurant for lunch. Water always provides a calming effect but it will be difficult to contain your excitement for what follows in the afternoon – a kayaking trip around Buffalo Island. This idyllic spot is so named due to its giant inhabitants, a perfect place for photos.

    Paddling back to the boat you are free to splash around and jump into the stream-fed waters before a trip back to shore. On solid ground again, you will take a transfer to the resort which has its own organic farm. Naturally, this means a wonderful dinner, drawing the curtain on an excellent opening day.

    • 12.4 miles
    • Ban Phraya Lanna Rimnam
    • Lunch and Dinner
  2. Day 2Immersing yourself in the Thai way of life

    The adventure takes a turn today with a deeper exploration of Thai culture and cuisine. But first, a trip to the intriguing Chiang Dao cave - walk through tunnels packed with stalactites, stalagmites and natural formations of limestone and crystals, watch your head!

    After emerging, transfer to the beautiful Wat Bann Den temple to marvel at the Lanna architecture. But it is the immersion in Thai life that is the real highlight of today. From the temple, you'll ride along an irrigation canal and drift pleasurably between villages, to Mae Jo Baan Din, or Earth Home as it’s known in English. It is a great place to learn about Thai cuisine. The hosts at Earth Home will lead you around their fragrant gardens and teach you about the various vegetables and spices, before picking what is needed for dinner. This is a real hands-on experience which will leave you with a deep appreciation for Thai food.

    After tucking into a wonderful dinner, you will spend the night in a traditional Thai hut built with natural materials. While luxuries such as hot water are not available, this simply lends itself to the reality of the experience.

    • 11.2 miles
    • Mae Jo Baan Din
    • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  3. Day 3Making a rice farmer and shaman out of every rider

    Today you can witness the Buddhist monks on their morning ritual, walking through villages for their daily alms. It is quite moving to observe this quiet, respectful act. Afterward, transfer to the Buffalo Village, to learn the importance of the water buffalo in traditional rice farming. If you're keen, you can try planting and harvesting rice yourself; it's trickier than it looks!

    Today’s ride is an easy one, the terrain is nice and flat. Tonight you’ll spend some time with an ethnic Lisu tribe. Numbering about 55,000, the Lisu are one of six hill tribes living in Thailand. You will be escorted through a village to a local house to enjoy a cup of tea, and discover more about traditional medicines at the shaman’s house.

    • 24.9 miles
    • Lisu Lodge
    • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  4. Day 4Meeting Earth’s Gentle Giants on a Wonderful Day Out

    Whenever anyone mentions Thailand there are a few things that jump to mind – beaches, food, and of course, elephants. Thailand’s national animal is hugely popular and a visit wouldn't be complete without a trip to see them. No riding today as the team transfers to an elephant rescue sanctuary, where you can learn how these beautiful creatures have been shamefully exploited in the logging and tourism industries. Accompanied by trained personnel, you'll get up close to these intelligent and sensitive mammals. You'll help prepare their food, bathe them and walk them. Photo ops abound today. The park will also serve a delicious lunch.

    A word of caution: always be attentive and careful around the elephants, and follow the instructions of the sanctuary staff. There will be no riding of these wonderful animals, just visiting.

    • Horizon Village Resort
    • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  5. Day 5Making last minute souvenirs and enjoying a soak in the springs

    It’s your final day of adventure and riding with the family, but boy what a trip it has been! Following a scrumptious breakfast the tour group takes a transfer out to Bor Sang Umbrella Village where you can learn the fine art of making handmade parasols from bamboo and rice paper. The village is renowned for it and the art form has been passed down through the generations of the small number of families who live here. It’s your chance to create a quirky souvenir to take away for yourself or as a gift for someone at home.

    Next, hop on your bike for the final ride, a beautiful stretch along smooth tarmac roads past schools, temples and fruit orchards. Once again the mountains appear to guide you on your way to the final highlight of this exquisite trip – a hot spring. Rest and relax at San Kamphaeng Hot Springs, which offers a variety of different pools - even one which will boil an egg! Your weary biking muscles will appreciate the magic of the minerals.

    Finally, enjoy one last meal together. Over lunch everyone can catch up on their favorite moments before being transferred back to your hotel in Chiang Mai or on to the airport depending on your plans. Leave safe in the knowledge that you have experienced a trip which your family will forever look back on with fondness.

    • 18.6 miles
    • Breakfast and Lunch